Monday, March 2, 2009

first time in my life being a pharmacist

The "probay pharmacist"- wei wei

wei wei: hi, good morning, may i help u?
patient: hi, erm, i'm having a dry cough, which is very irritating, and i'm here to see if you have any medicines that can help me with this.
wei wei: oh well, how long has it been?
patient: 1 week
wei wei: is it pain when u cough?
patient: no, it is not, but very itchy, is irritating
wei wei: oh, have u taken any action? like refer to ur GP?
patient: oh no, i hav been busy, thats why..
wei wei: hav u taken any medication?
patient: oh no, i didnt
wei wei: ok, so i think i will suggest this simple linctus for u, however, it will cause drowsiness, so it is advised that u don not operate any machinery or drive after u hav taken this medicine
patient: oh but i cant, cause i has to work on night shift, and also u know, like driving..
wei wei: oh, cause is dangerous that u operate the machines when u feel drowsy... cant u just take leave for, maybe one day?
patient: i'm afraid not, cause my job has been very demanding, and they are running out of staffs, and i hav to drive the fork-lift. don u hav any other medicines taht will not cause drowsiness for me?
wei wei: well, all medicines that dealing with cough also will cough drowsiness.. i think that is better for u to take a rest at home after u take this medicine..
patient: i'm afraid that my boss don allow..
wei wei: why not u rest first , till u fully recover then only u work for ur boss? wouldnt it be better? and, i'm sure ur boss can understand ur situation =)
patient: .... erm.. well... ok.. i will try la
wei wei: so, i will dispense this simple linctus for u, so u take 5 ml for 3-4 times daily. And 5 ml is one spoonful that have been provided to u..
patient: alright, thanks =)
wei wei: welcome..

*turn away from that "fake patient", start laughing non stop!*
what the hell.. wei wei wei wei.. actually the simple linctus will not cause drowsiness, but i just keep saying yes it will, better take a rest la, bla bla bla =.='
and, there's other medications that will not cause drowsiness, i dint know any other, so i just keep asking the patient to take leave!!!!!
wo ho..

"i had so much fun today"... thanks to this! XD