finally, i can try the food at Delicious ^^
thanks to mummy..
we actually have been walking round round and round but still cant decide what to take for tea time..
upon my request, mummy agreed to bring me to Delicious ^^
mummy is the best! muackzzz~~~
sad la, even my mummy has tried the food here before but i havent >.< thought of ordering the tea time set, but after browsing the menu didnt see any..
so, mummy wants a short latte (RM 8.90)
and i wanted the melting pot chocolate with marshmallow (RM8.90)..
yummy.. ^^
both the drinks were served with 2 pieces of almond biscotti..
as for dessert, we ordered the blackberry apple crumble vanilla ice-cream (RM12.90). i have tried apple crumble at other places before but this is the first time i try it with blackberry..
kinda special, more sour taste but less cinnamon..
i think i prefer the original apple crumble =b
we also ordered the garlic bread (RM6.90)! the serving was really special, cause they serve the 3 pieces of garlic bread in a dim sum container..
so, western + chinese ??
anyway, mummy likes the garlic bread a lot!
overall, the food was good but..
a bit pricey >.<
hee.. once again, thanks mummy! ^^